Friday 6 May 2011

I hate essays

I swear I could've (and if I'd started it early enough would've) researched this essay for weeks and still not have established quite what goes down in this field, curse you limited wider public interest industries with your proprietary technologies and oligopoly markets.
Also, I am tired.
And have a group presentation to write after I finish this. So should've done that first.
And fuck you greenpeace, who sends emails at this time if night, seriously I am on a unsubscribe binge at the moment, don't fucking tempt me.
And to the people in front of me, stop being so gaddamn loud. I appreciate you're shittly organised and are finishing a group project but I am not and I hate you for that.
Ok now you're just tickling the hot engineering girl (yes there is almost only one of them, in a class of 340, I kind wish I was gay-er) you'd get crap loads more done if you all fucked off home and left me in peace. Then you'd be sAfe from my wrath too.

Scuse the spelling errors.
Actually scratch the last, it's 0125, fuck off.

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