Thursday 19 August 2010

A comparison of th....SQUIRREL!!!!!

I cannot focus today. I am trying to have a reasonably productive day, as I only woke up at 1350 (fuck, that's actually after most of the east coast of America). So to compensate I determined I was going to start finishing some of the dozens of jobs I have to do. Also my sleep schedule is so fucked I decided I'm staying up until 2100 tomorrow so I can get up at a sensible time on Saturday, sod what my body says, I'll power through with dangerous amounts of relentless (my energy drink of choice, what of it? Red Bull tastes like a marinated rat died in a can)

But, mother trucking curses, I was trying to write a post I thought up the other day, whereupon I cleverly wrote the notes down on a piece of paper which yesterday I PROMPTLY FUCKING LOST!! So the words upon the paper (don't be pedantic, yes I'm typing it, I'm allowed to use a literary device in a dubious manner, I'm frazzled right now, leave me alone) are making even less sense than they normally do. EVEN TO ME. You can probably tell can't you? You can can't you?! CAN'T YOU?!?!? DON'T DENY IT YOU BASTARDS!!

Another issue that's pissing me off is that at the moment, caps lock is on. See the problem there, caps lock is on, but it's lower cases. Shitty keyboard. I can't be arsed to figure that one out right now.

So, why the fuck am I stupid enough to be clever and right the notes down, then loose the crap I put them on, causing more stress that there would have been had I not written any notes? Son of a bitch.

Also, even if I've gone to sleep far too late and am only four hours in, why do TWO alarm clocks fail to rouse me? HUH? I could probably be brutally sodomised in my sleep and I wouldn't even notice. Seriously, that shit freaks me out every time, it's like I've temporarily died, the alarm clocks are seriously loud, and not a peep out of me.

Fucking arse. I become so demotivated when everything goes wrong on me like this. Anyway, move along, nothing to see here. Seriously, fuck off.

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