Wednesday 5 January 2011

New Years Resolutions

Well, in the spirit of... actually I have no idea (perpetual traditions?), I have made many new years resolutions. Which I will have forgotten by February if I don't write them down. So here we are:

1) Blog more
This is only here because it's on my failed, neglected, pathetic excuse for a 'public diary/external thought aggregator' I consider that this is encompassed by other resolutions. But since this is at the top of the list. I will see it and FEEL BAD. Yes, I am talking to YOU future self, arsehole.

2)Prioritise my time, stop procrastinating, train my fleeting short-term hedonism.
If I put much effort into stuff, I could be fucking awesome. But I don't. I spend hours being distracted by relatively irrelevant things, on youtube, twitter, 2leep, any on demand media service or name-your-poison-here. In my first term at uni I would leave work set TWO WEEKS before the due date until 6 hours before the deadline, (which yes means more than once I began working at 4am) having spent the previous day just lurking on the interwebz. I have had four weeks off over christmas, during which I had 3 maths questionaires set, a research project, and a 1000 word essay. I have started none of them. I return to uni in 3 days. Shit.
At this point I am genuinely worried I will fail my degree, before I have really even started it.
Admittedly it doesn't help that I constantly question my decisions about going to uni and this degree, but more on that later.

3) Tell more people how much I appreciate them, stop loosing those people.
Well the initial part is a little difficult to accomplish without sounding weird or overly emotional. But worth a shot. I have found it difficult to make any particularly strong bonds with people recently, so more effort is required there. So I shall roll all that into one 'Be more friendly' header. On the latter, there are several people who I was really close to who I have lost contact with, and I hate it. So by the end of the year I either want to have restored my relationship or written it off. If that is (unfortunately) the case there shall be a big note attached to the memory saying “Don't do this again because it's fucking painful and you probably wouldn't survive a repetition in any identifiable manner”

4) Dance more.
Pretty simple. Obviously it contains numerous implications. I do however harbour a secret desire to actually be able to dance, so I should go to a class.

5)  Re-learn to read sheet music and to play the guitar.
Technically I am a grade 4 guitarist. Unfortunately I have forgotten almost everything. I keep meaning to re-learn, but, well... (see #2)

6) Support my parents more.
Various complicated and painful reasons for this one. Basically, they need help, and I should help them more, otherwise one or both of them are going to have a breakdown or make themselves very very ill. And, supporting my theory that I am a heartless selfish wanker, this would mean that in the long run I'd have to do more. It is intriguing how one's relationship with parents change when one moves out/away.

7) Create more.
I've been meaning to do this for yonks. (See 2 again, 2 is definitely the main problem here) Currently I consume a hella-lot of media, in terms of video, music, images and writing. I do not contribute to the collective pool in any way. This was suggested by someone during a discussion about creative commons, the suggestion was if one consumes free (as in gratis) media the payment for this should be contributing your own. Other than this I want to make some videos and film some things, as I have some ideas that I think would be cool to watch. Obviously at uni it is incredibly easy to start doing this, and I already have a little. Some large part of my loan may go on a DSLR, however that would be ridiculously indulgent.

8) Get fit
An old clichéd one. However, I am a fitness instructor, and get paid to instruct people who at the moment are often fitter than me. This is embarassing. I really love my job, and don't want to loose it. I'd also like to take it further and become a personal trainer, for which I definitely need to be much much fitter. Also, as I want to join the military immediately after uni, I need to seriously pick my game up for that. The regime and discipline will also help with #2.

9) Stop thinking about how awesome I could be, and all the awesome things I could do. And do it.
Do it, all, at once.
Just see #2, again.

Game on, 2011.

P.S. Also, I suppose get laid would be nice.

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