Thursday 29 April 2010

Dear Facebook

See, here's the thing:

Now, don't get me wrong, I am open minded, I am progressive, and I am quite a public person, I have accounts and profiles consisting of:
  • 3 hotmails, 2 gmails, 2 ymails

  • a facebook, a bebo (dead), twitter, youtube, social vibe, dailybooth & flikr

  • a blog(dead)

  • digg,, foursquare,, amazon

  • wikimedia/pedia

Additionally I comment on wired us, wired uk, mashable, engadget, gizmodo, bbc news, hack college, college humour and even porn websites using the same user name.

On the internetz I have decided to trust my data to Google, I use Google services a lot, youtube, picasa, docs, calender, reader, gmail, maps, earth, dictionary. I even use Chrome as my browser of choice.

I love Google.

Google and me are in a relationship.

And when you change your privacy settings and opt us all in, Google tells me about it by way of all the news sites I visit, and to be honest, I don't mind your changes, because as discussed, my life is pretty much all already online anyway. So I wade through your hundreds of privacy settings and check none of them will get me killed in trouble.
But last week you decided to start following me around the internet. Google is the only person I allow to do this, because I trust Google, they're not evil. I don't feel ready to trust you yet Facebook, I'm sorry, but that's how I feel. You're not honest with your friends users, because most of them don't understand what you're doing and most of them aren't as lucky as I am to have Google as a friend.

So basically Facebook..

The next time me and Google are making out, don't take a photo and then sneak in behind us and try to fuck me in the arse.
I don't like it.

We tried it once. It's not fun.

Tagged in this note: LarSe <3 ; MarZ >:(